“I just want to thank you for leading a beautiful workshop on dreams. As always, when I get the chance to talk dreams with you, I gain so much insight into my own inner world. You have a gift of helping us tap into that rich source of knowledge. Anytime you are leading an event around dreams, I will be there!
And so nice to connect with the others in the circle. ” –RK
“Joyce, your presentation, Dreaming: Spiritual Practice for All, convinced me we need to return dreams to their proper stature.” — Mike B, Marin County, California 


To create a global community of dreamers focused on tikkun atzmi and tikkun olam, healing ourselves, repairing the world.


To embrace dream wisdom as a fundamental pillar of Jewish spirituality and impart dream awareness as a spiritual practice for all.     


What if we in the Jewish community and beyond shared our dreams with each other?  What insights might flow from calling upon our nocturnal messages? How might we, individually and communally, use our dreams for healing our selves and our world?       

Dreams strengthen the spiritual seeker and houses of worship, nurture personal and spiritual growth, and empower communities –values of modern Judaism. JASD aims to re-instill appreciation of dreams to synagogue services and individual and communal Jewish life by teaching about the power of dreams in all aspects of daily life.     

                                      EMBRACING DREAM AWARENESS       

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              We explore the potency of Jewish and interfaith communities sharing dreams, and draw upon the positive insights and actions flowing from attention to our dreams.

JASD programs and publications dispel the notion propagated in traditional texts that it is mostly men, prophets, and royalty who receive Divine guidance and recognize Divine will. JASD will teach how the sage wisdom of dreams is available to each and every person. Dreams enable all of us to expand our potential, experience spiritual growth, and foster the common good through the guiding, protective, healing, and transformative powers of dreams.


JASD integrates dream awareness into Jewish life through presentations, programs, and classes at synagogues, Jewish Centers, campus Hillel chapters, Sisterhoods, youth groups, retreats, and interfaith events. 

JASD facilities localized Dream Circles and teaches individuals, organizations, and institutions to create their own Dream Circles.

The COVID-19 pandemic, requiring social distancing and other measures as of March, 2020 has, for the foreseeable future, required shifting many of our programs to virtual and other digital modalities.

                                              INTERFAITH ASPECTS      

Dreams are integral to all religions of the world.  Dreams fill the holy books of the major monotheistic faiths–Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The interfaith aspect of JASD expands the historical roots of dreams in world religions and enhances the power of dreams within and among individual faiths.

JASD provides the opportunity for interfaith sharing of dreams as paths toward striving together to inspire well-being and peace in the home, community, and world.     

                                              WHO WE ARE

                                          JOYCE LYNN — JASD CO-FOUNDER

When Joyce  turned forty, after a decade as a political reporter in Washington, D.C., she dreamed the first dream she ever remembered. It inspired an elusive scene for the screenplay she was writing and guided her journalism career. A few months later, she faced a potentially life-threatening health crisis. Dream wisdom disclosed information about her physical condition and effected her healing. As a result, dreams have guided Joyce’s life for decades.

Joyce’s parents and grandparents were active in the Jewish community in Columbus, Ohio, where she grew up. The Hillel at Ohio State University built in 1948 was dedicated posthumously to her grandfather, Edwin J. Schanfarber. Joyce learned from the righteousness of her elders the Jewish imperative of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world.

On the first day of Rosh Hashanah, 2008, Joyce dreamed a childhood friend appeared at the entrance of the synagogue and Jewish Day School, where the friend was an administer. She and Joyce went inside to the large hallway between the school and the synagogue, the space joining learning and spirituality. The friend removed her shoes, but Joyce was wearing cross-trainers. They left wet footprints on the black marble floor.

Joyce interpreted the footprints as a sign to revive teaching about dreams, which she had abandoned in favor of a return to political reporting. but this time teaching about dreams in  the context of Judaism. The dream showed her how to make a difference in the Jewish community as had generations of her family before. 

Toward reviving and embracing dreams as a fundamental pillar and practice of Jewish spirituality, in 2019 Joyce co-founded the Jewish Association of Spirituality and Dreams with Rabbi Gaylia R. Rooks, Rabbi Emerita of The Temple, Louisville, Kentucky.  (Rabbi Rooks left JASD in March, 2021 and launched her own organization, Shelter of Peace,)

JASD envisions Chalom /Dream Circles becoming as popular an offering in the Jewish community as Mah Jongg games are now.

To revive the guiding, healing, and transformative powers of dreams, to support seekers in expressing dream wisdom in their creative, personal, and professional lives and in their social activism, she writes and lectures about integrating dream messages into our life journey.

Joyce is the author of Plum Dreams Diary: On Mothers, Men, Modern Medicine, and the Divine, a collection of dream narratives exploring the female psyche, and Dreams and the Wisdom Within, a memoir, spiritual guide to healing and dreams.

For Joyce, dreams are the language of the soul, the voice of the Divine.


Christine Lemley 

Christine is founder of the Interfaith Forum in Columbus, Indiana, A former hospital chaplain, Christine is a spiritual director, who infuses her chaplaincy and spiritual directing with dream work. She is also executive producer of Dreamtime: An Integrative Health Series for the Public Broadcasting Service. For Christine, dreams are our inner GPS — if we listen.

Ilene Serlin

Ilene Serlin has extensive experience in healing modalities and deep knowledge of  dreams, the Torah and Jewish practices. She led the Rosh Hodesh group at Temple Kol Shofar, Tiburon, California, infusing the monthly gatherings with cultural and religious lore.

As a psychologist and dance therapist, Ilene has worked in mind/body health for more than three decades. Her focus is healing trauma.Ilene’s pre-doctoral internship was at the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angles, where she studied under James Hillman, who founded the archetypal psychology movement. 

Ilene received the 2018 Rollo May Award from the Society of Humanistic Psychology of the American Psychological Association and the 2019 Distinguished Humanitarian Contribution Award from the California Psychological Association.